Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Baylor Student's letter to Santa.

Dear Santa,

It's been a while since I've written you (in this age of the Amazon Universal Wish List, who really needs to actually spell wants out in paragraph form?) but since I have some special requests, I figured I'd better make the effort. 

Santa, if it's possible (and and the Heisman Pundit think it is), please give RG3 the Heisman? As someone who was here for the 4-8 season (just like my high school!) and only found a love of the crazy sport called College Football through Baylor actually winning things, I can't think of anyone who deserves this more than him (and us, the university). He's a fantastic person, smarter than I am (I mean, law school!), and, above all, has lifted us from 4-8 to 9-3. As a member of the Golden Wave Band, I'm getting to go to a bowl game. A bowl game! I know I speak for many when I say that my freshman year (2009-2010, for those interested) I never thought we'd ever go to a bowl. That was one of the things that "other", more luridly-school-coloured (who really actually looks good in burnt orange or maroon? Not I, that's certain) universities and colleges did. Baylor students went home over Christmas, to spend time with their families (or go on ski trips, or to South Africa, or to the Netherlands or what have you). But a bowl game? Ha, my freshman self would have said sarcastically. Ha, maybe next year. 

Somehow, though, that sarcastic comment came true. Under the leadership of RG3 (already the subject of lore after a facebook campaign my freshman year called "I'll give RG3 my ACL.") the football team somehow, amazingly, won games. Yes, we lost to A&M, but then, in one of the best games of my life* we magically beat Texas. In Austin. In that huge stadium, the likes of which I'd only dreamed of. We (BUGWB) were on the sideline when Baylor scored to lead 10-9, then we crumpled. 12-10, Texas.The Bears, however, didn't give up (a percived problem with the 09 squad). Through the rest of that insane game, I know I cheered the loudest that I had (to that point). When the final time ran out, and the scoreboard stayed on 30-22, I felt amazing. Not only had we managed to help keep Texas from a bowl game, but we were going to one ourselves. Nothing could top that feeling. 

Nothing could top that feeling, or so I thought. It was with high hopes, however, that I came back to Baylor to march as a junior. I somehow, though the offseason (and the bowl loss we all try to forget) managed to catch football fever. I found myself checking ESPN's Big-12 blog, and I was able to recite stats like no one else. I found myself believing we could possibly go 8-4. Then, the unthinkable happened. We beat TCU, and the student body rushed the field for the first time of the season. It was then that somehow, rather than being cynical and shamed, Baylor embraced football. The Baylor Line actually started showing up for games, rather than only being there for Parents' Weekend and Homecoming. The alumni side had more green-and-gold than the opposing school's colours*. Yes, we lost to A&M, but we beat Mizzou (We Will! Beat Missouri!). Yes, we lost to K-State, but a) it was by 1 point and b) they ended up 10-2 (and should have been in a BCS bowl). 

Then, Magic November happened. We beat Missouri, and we cheered. 1 closer to a repeat bowl game! Woohoo! We (barely) beat Kansas! Bowl Eligible! Excellent! (Though why you had to give me a heart attack during a concert rehearsal, I will NEVER know, Bears.) 

This next game still gives me shivers every time I think of it. I personally (and fault me for lack of faith in my team) came into this game with the glum attitude of "Maybe it won't be a horrible blowout?". I knew, I just knew, that there was no way we could beat Oklahoma. OU! #5 OU! Never-ever-beaten-them-in-20-years-of-play-OU! I just shook my head at the optimistic freshman with the sign that read "We Are Going To Win." Then, something happened. Well, to be specific, RG3 happened. And in those last 35 seconds he redefined Baylor University, Baylor Football, and what it meant to be a fan of the Bears. I will not lie, I fell to my knees when I saw the ref throw his arms up. 45-38. The beautiful pass. 

The rest is history. Tech made it a perfect November. Texas made it an amazing December. And now, as I sit here during finals week, trying to write a paper due on Monday but only able to think of the Heisman that sits, waiting for its new owner at 7:00 PM CT (8 PM ET), all I can say is-

Santa, all I want for Christmas is for RG3 to go pick up the Heisman he deserves, for giving this school a new identity, and uniting the student body. That's all I really want. 

(Well, that, and a Brittney Griner dunk. Make that two things I want for Christmas.)


*Until the Oklahoma game. 

*When we played Texas here my freshman year, I could have sworn that we were playing in Austin, rather than Floyd Casey, by the amount of orange and white in the stands.

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